Tuesday, January 31, 2012


One of the most notorious men in the New Testament can be found in chapter five of the Gospel of Mark. His name is unknown, but his identity is called "Legion." I believe this man has taken a bad wrap due to misunderstanding of his problems.I am going to pull out some quick observations to show that Jesus changes people. We pick this story up right after Jesus had calmed the storm, Mark says "they came to the other side" this is my first observation.

Jesus meets ppl where they are. Where ever you are right now, God is with you. He is there in the good and in the bad. He comes to you right where you are and wraps you up in His arms and restores you to a place of peace.

Mark goes on to tell us this man lived among the tombs, and the people in the town had often tried to chain him down. It was impossible for them to help because they didn't know how, so they simply cast him out of their site. If they don't see him they don't have to deal with him. This brings out my second observation.

Jesus makes the impossible possible.
Man could not fix this spiritual problem, their was no pill to take or program to work, he needed a miracle. This may be where you are, in need of a miracle. God is still doing them just look around. The help you receive from man is short-term, the help from Jesus is eternal.

After Jesus healed this man the people from the town came to see him, Mark claims that "they came to Jesus and saw the demon-possessed man, the one who had the legion, sitting there, clothed and in his right mind." My third point is...

The change Jesus brings into your life is evident for all to see
When Christ changes your heart it should bring about a change that everyone sees, they see that the old you is gone and now there is a new creation. How do others identify you? A good husband, a successful business man? It should be first and foremost as a follower of Christ, a different person.

Mark ends the story with this new man begging Jesus to take him with Him, Jesus responds to the man and says "Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you and how he has had mercy on you." My last point is clear,

Use your story to bring others to Jesus
It always, always ends with you going....going home, to work, to the nations and telling your story, this is how Paul did it and how this man did it. But don't make your story about you, always make it about Him!

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